воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

Next week some new videos

Maybe it seems like a fake, yeah.
But I'm gonna prove it's not. Next week there'll be some new videos.

I'm planning to enable PSP homebrew on PS3 support either. So any PSP homebrew will be working on the PS3.

I have some progress with my tool and next week I'll post a video of my tool. A bit later selected users will be invited on beta test of my tool.

Stay tuned.

3 комментария:

  1. hey my email is argelys.abreu@gmail.com i will love to be a beta tester and i believe you 100% seen video and man your smart if i can help in any way hit me up

  2. Hello, Let me know if you need any beta testers let me know. (i am from holland so maybe that can be for use (translation for the dutch people)) My email is Chrismetdepet2@hotmail.com
    Keep the good work comming!
    (Sorry for the bad english)

  3. Hi. My name is Luciano, I`m 20 and I`m in the best university of Brasil. In two years I finish my course (Computer Science) and I need one area to follow. What I need to study to get your knowledge about specific consoles?
    mail me. lucianommluiz@hotmail.com
